Tennessee SBA Business Certifications Women | Minorities | Small Business Owner | Veterans
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We Are the Ownership Class Business Certifications

WOMAN Owned Business Certification


  • 51% or More of the Company's Ownership Interest Must Be of the Female Gender

  • Company Must be Registered in the
    State of Arizona.


Minority Owned Business Certification

"Socially Disadvantaged Individuals" are Those Persons Who Have Been Subjected to:

  • Cultural Bias

  • Racial / Ethnic Prejudice


Small Business Owner Certification

Merit-Based Certification for Business Owners Who Compete in the Marketplace Based Upon Their Company's Performance and not Affirmative Action.

Certification is Determined by (1) Number of Employees and (2) Sales Revenue Limits.


Hispanic Owned Business Certification

What Is a Hispanic Person?

  • Latin America
  • Caribbean Islands
  • Iberian Peninsula
  • North America
  • South East Asia
  • ... Plus Other Locations
Se Habla Español
Falamos Português


Veteran Owned Business Certification

Who's Eligible?

  • Tennessee Military Forces
  • Tennessee National Guard
  • Tennessee State Guard
  • U.S. Reserve Forces (all branches)
  • U.S. Active Duty (all branches)
  • U.S. National Guard
  • Coast Guard & Reserves


Black Owned Business Certification

Who's Eligible?

  • Foundational Black Americans

  • Immigrants from Africa

  • Resident Aliens & Non-U.S. Citizens

  • Company Must Be Registered in Tennessee


Tennessee Gross Domestic Product is $425 Billion

Asian Owned Business Certification

Who's Eligible?

  • U.S. Citizens

  • Immigrants from Asia

  • Resident Aliens & Non-U.S. Citizens

  • Company Must Be Registered in Tennessee


Christian Owned Business Certification

Who's Eligible?

  • Christian by Faith

  • U.S. Citizen

  • Resident Aliens & Non-U.S. Citizens

  • Company Must Be Registered in Arizona


Family Owned Business Certification

Many modern-relationships qualify as "family" and Family Owned Business Certification validates your ownership structure. Diversity Equity Inclusion.

  • 19% of American Business is Family Owned

  • 30% of Family Businesses are 2nd Generation

  • 60% of Family Business Execs. are Womenn


Muslim Owned Business Certification


  • Muslim by Faith

  • U.S. Citizen

  • Resident Aliens & Non-U.S. Citizens

  • Company Must Be Registered in Tennessee


Tennessee SBA™ provides Business Certification for use in private business transactions, customer relations, and business ownership verification for Tennessee corporations & small businesses.

Tennessee SBA™ is not affiliated with, connected to, or associated with the U.S. Small Business Administration, or Tennessee state government; Tennessee SBA™ is not an agent for any governmental agency; Tennessee SBA™ is not a government Third-Party Certifier and cannot provide designations or certifications for veteran-owned, woman-owned, minority-owned, or small business participation in government Diversity Programs as defined by 13 C.F.R. Part 121. U.S. Small Business Administration and Tennessee state government are Bureaucracies; Tennessee SBA™ is an independent Professional Organization.
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